about ro or arianna she/her + fem terms cis girl. cupioromantic + ace autistic + t1d scottish, eng only.
loves videogames, cold weather (snow, rain, etc.) baking, coding, music, ! pink , splatoon , ldshadowlady ! (hyperfixations)
hates hot weather, spicey food, ex friends, splatoon haters, anyone who thinks they like splatoon or pink more than me.
links twt , tiktok , prns page

to know i need tts, late replies / inconsistent msgs (social anxiety) and will often send/post random stuff . im quite a sensitive person so please be patient and kind to me!
go away basic dni, extreme genshin fans, 18+, anyone who hates any of my friends, vents w/o asking or talks behind my back, "silly autism" mfs, anyone who thinks they like my hyperfixations more than me (yes i put this twice fuck yall)

friends yuki ( im NOT A HOE) , aya (BEST MOBAGER!!) , cooper (BEST BFF EVER!!!!) , roster (babl hg!), soapy ( WE ARE COOPER HATERS DIE COOPER NOW)
extra diddily doo diddily dee we cast a silencing spell on thee